Attending a consultation? Here’s what to expect…

A person standing next to a mat that says welcome

If you have an upcoming appointment or considering booking one either via telehealth or at one of our locations in Adelaide, this article provides a clearer picture of what to expect. Many people do feel uneasy at the thought of sharing personal information with a stranger, and understandably so. Conversations about eating habits (& struggles), weight related matters or digestive problems can be uncomfortable. Especially if you feel you may be judged or made to feel silly. This article will hopefully allay some of these fears before you attend.

Firstly, it’s good be clear on our (the dietitians) role. That is, to support you with your health and lifestyle goals. This may sound cliché, but it helps establish the basis of relationship between client and dietitian. Simply put, you’re in the driver’s seat and it’s our job to listen not judge. We want to understand your story, including your goals (however big or small!). Perhaps your goal is to enjoy life without pain and bloating. Or maybe it’s to finally lose weight and keep it off for good. Helping you achieve goals is our primary purpose.

During an initial consultation, relevant information about your eating habits, health status, symptoms and personal goals are discussed. This is a friendly conversation to understand you better, which develops a suggested path forward. You will feel respected not judged, and never spoked down to. Measurements, such as body weight, waist circumference, height or body fat percentage are taken only with your permission, and when relevant. You will not be pressured should this make you feel uncomfortable.

With a clearer idea of your background, and personal goals, it’s time to discuss plans and strategies. This is done collaboratively, taking into account your food preferences and unique lifestyle demands. In most situations, you will be provided with an eating plan to help you get started. There is no “one size fits all” therefore plans and suggestions are always tailored. Personalised eating plans are provided at no extra cost. It’s important to point out that we don’t always have the perfect answer to every situation. This is especially true in terms of weight management, and food intolerances/sensitivities, as both areas are complex and involve many factors. Trial and error is often necessary, but we will be clear and upfront when this is the case.

We also understand that knowing what to eat is just the beginning. Changing habits and developing a new lifestyle offers many mindset-based challenges. Common examples are stress/emotional eating, overcoming cravings and dealing with slip-ups and plateaus. As dietitians our role is to help support you through these challenges, and over time have come to learn strategies that have worked for others.

Ongoing appointments will be suggested, when necessary, with timing and frequency flexible. Again, you are in the driver’s seat and our role is to provide the support you need. Often a review appointment after two weeks is helpful in assessing the effectiveness of your plan and receiving feedback on what is or isn’t going well. Long-term results are always the goal; therefore, we are constantly reviewing the sustainability of your plan.

Finally, if you hold concerns not addressed in this article, please feel free to call and discuss this with us at any time. I look forward to providing sound support as you work towards your goals!

Article written by David Finnin. Adelaide Dietitian & Nutritionist


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