For many, FODMAPs has been the path to digestive freedom. Imagine being pain free, with no more bloating or rushing to the toilet. But it’s not as simple as ‘don’t eat this’ and problem solved. FODMAPs can feel overwhelming and far too limiting. But it doesn’t have to be.

The new FODMAP Thresh-hold Program is for anyone looking to solve their IBS puzzle for good. It will lead you through this highly nuanced process, providing everything you need along the way (eating plans, food lists, delicious recipes & more!). Once completed, you can expect to have a clear picture of your specific FODMAP thresh-hold, and a game plan for long-term symptom management that feels completely doable!

What’s included in the FODMAP Thresh-hold Program?

  • Four one-on-one consultations (Telehealth or in-clinic) with Dietitian & Nutritionist David Finnin, who has over 10 years experience dealing with FODMAPs plus other gastrointestinal disorders (read David’s Bio here)

  • Personalised guidance through all three stages (elimination, challenges and life-long management)

  • Plenty of tools and resources including meal plans, delicious recipes & shopping lists. This removes all the guess work

  • Personalised advice about pro-biotics and pre-biotics to assist with long-term microbiome health

What does it cost?

The cost for this program is only $295 and is eligible for rebates for those with extras.

*There are limited spots available for this program

Step one: Register your interest in the program below, and we will be in contact with the next available start date

FODMAP Thresh-hold Program