Food intolerance & FODMAPs
Food intolerance & food sensitivities affect many people causing symptoms that are often uncomfortable & sometimes crippling.
Bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, constipation & fatigue are just some of the ways you may be affected. But imagine being free from pain and confidently leaving the house again (without thinking of the nearest toilet!). The good news is this is very possible.
We specialise in the following areas:
Often misunderstood as a long-term diet, FODMAPs is rather a useful approach for identifying trigger foods for symptom relief.
Fodmap elimination, fodmap challenging and fodmap reintroduction are all crucial phases- we will help you successfully navigate your way through each.
Food lists, recipes and practical eating plans are provided at each stage.
We also provide advice around pro-biotics and pre-biotics to assist with long-term microbiome health.
Also see: New Fodmap Thresh-hold Program
Food chemical sensitivities
Salicylates, amines and glutamates are some of these naturally occurring compounds found in common food. For most they cause no issues but for some, they can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms that affect the gut, skin and sinuses.
We are experienced at helping individuals identify red flags that point to this, and will help you successfully eliminate, challenge, and learn to live with this type of sensitivity.